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Gabe McNeill Powerlifting
Cycled Load Program
Strength program for Bench, Squat and Deadlift
Take your known or estimated 1RM and deduct 10% for a one set, 8-week program.
295lb Bench Press 1RM x 10%(.10) = 29.5lbs rounded to 30lbs
Week 1 WW 205lb x AMRAP (Maybe 12 reps)
Week 2 WW 235lb x AMRAP (8 reps)
Week 3 WW 265lb x AMRAP (3 reps)
Week 4 WW 295lb x AMRAP (1 rep)
Week 5 WW 205lb x AMRAP (15 reps)
Week 6 WW 235lb x AMRAP (10 reps)
Week 7 WW 265lb x AMRAP (5 reps)
Week 8 WW 295lb x AMRAP (2 reps)
Warm-up = Barx10, .45x5, .65x3, .75x2, .85x2, .93x1
Use Working Weight (WW) for warm-up weight calculations
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